The Housing Partnership has worked to strengthen and revitalize the Lemay community through quality and affordable residential development. THP has spearheaded the development of more than sixty new construction and moderate rehabbed homes.

Lemay Homes V

Construction of three new affordable homes were completed in 2022.  These homes were purchased by first time homebuyers.  The homes were made possible through HOME Investment Partnership funds from the St. Louis County office of Community Development to assist with the creation of affordable housing for low and moderate income families.

Lemay Homes IV 

Construction was completed on five new for-sale homes in the spring of 2019.  These 3 bedroom, 2 bath homes are energy efficient and include universal design features. The homes were constructed by C.F. Vatterott Construction Company. The homes were made possible through HOME Investment Partnership funds that are administered by the St. Louis County office of Community Development to assist with the creation of affordable housing for low and moderate income families.

Smith Place at Linn

Ten new construction for-sale homes on the 9900 block of Linn completed in the spring of 2016.

Lemay Homes

Forty new single family lease-purchase homes for households earning up to 60% of Area Median Income. Construction of the forty homes began in July 2015 and was completed in October 2016.