Building Strong Neighborhoods

For more than 20 years The Housing Partnership (THP) has worked to strengthen and stabilize the Lemay community. Our work consists of three major components:

Residential Development – We renovate and build affordable homes for low-and moderate-income families. Three new homes and one rehabbed home are currently under construction!

Homebuyer Services – The HUD-Certified Housing Counselors on THP’s staff provide housing counseling services with access to down payment assistance for first-time homebuyers and also provide housing counseling to existing homeowners and renters experiencing financial hardship. These services allow families to avoid foreclosure and remain in their homes.

Home Repair – THP administers a home repair program for low-and moderate- income homeowners, such as seniors on a fixed income, to make needed repairs to their homes so they can safely age in place. Here is a recent news story on KMOV Channel 4 about our work to assist homeowners in need.

For these important programs to continue, we need your help! As a community based 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, we rely on our Giving Tuesday campaign to augment our fundraising efforts. Every gift helps and your donation is tax-deductible.

Please click on the button below to donate and help us build strong neighborhoods and communities in St. Louis!

Thank you for your support and commitment to affordable housing!

Roof Donated to Lemay Homeowner