Request For Bids – Demolition

The Housing Partnership is soliciting bids from qualified firms for the demolition of certain commercial and residential structures in South St. Louis County (Lemay), Missouri.  The work generally consists of the abatement of asbestos containing material, the abatement of household hazardous waste, the demolition of structures, the removal of demolition debris, site clearing and grading.  The project will be funded in whole by a St. Louis County Port Authority grant, as amended.  All federal regulations shall be in full force and effect.  THP will accept sealed bids for the work at 336 East Ripa Aveneue, St. Louis, MO  63125 (Maria Center on the School Sisters of Notre Dame campus), Attn: Marty Hart, until Friday, October 17, 2014 at 3:00 pm at which time and place bids will be publicly opened and read aloud.  A pre-bid walkthrough will be held on Wednesday, October 8, 2014, at 10:00 am at 336 East Ripa Avenue in the conference room.

Bid documents may be obtained by requesting them from the Cross Rhodes Reprographics website at

Any questions and/or clarifications should be directed to Marty Hart, Construction Manager, The Housing Partnership at (314) 631-9905 or

The Housing Partnership is an Equal Opportunity Employer.